though recently adopted to simply mean 'idoit, fool, muppet' Numpty is a medical word for the small section of skin in the female gentials between the vagina and anus.
'nice numpty' quite a mouthfull
by mattaeus rose August 5, 2005
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A fictional worldwide organisation that all numpties belong to. Membership is honorary and non-numpties are not permitted to join.
John: Why can't these fools ever get my food order right?
Greg: Numpty Crew mate.
by Cheesed1ck October 31, 2019
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anyone who would pronouce word this as nump-tee
Should be nump-tay
you are a complete numpty, you can't even pronounce the word.
by Robbie the pict August 1, 2003
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A derogatory term used in Anti-French alliances conveying the complete utter distain for the French nationality.
“Pretty soon we’ll wipe all these numpty muffins off the face of the planet.”
by Matestreymy May 17, 2019
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numpty muffins are idots who hate the French
Bob is such a numpty muffin
by numpty muffin September 12, 2019
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A term used to hate on French people and walk all over them we all hate you BaldBoyHalo
You’re such a numpty muffing A6d
by Skepeen September 13, 2019
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A SCUBA diver, usually of Open Water equivalent, or less, certification. They leave their fuckin' gear strewn from one end of the charter boat to the other, enter the water without their mask, air off, still holding their fins, kick the shit out of the coral and anything else nearby, exhibit no bouyancy control, frantically signal OOA after 5 minutes, and generally gob off like they know everything.
"This is gonna be a tech diving trip. I got no time for fuckin' Numpty Divers..."
by Bellenda January 16, 2008
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