1. Bboying
2. MCing
3. Graffiti
4. DJing
5. Knowledge, Culture and Understanding

There are lesser elements of hip hop including Fashion, Promoting, Beatboxing, Funkstyles, Flyer-Making, and many others. However, these are often debated as to whether they are hip hop ELEMENTS, or simply a part of hip hop culture.
The Universal Zulu Nation spreads the word of peace, love, unity, and having fun through the Elements of Hip Hop culture.
by MrSander7x January 27, 2008
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The Elements are:
1st - Breakdancing (Bboying)
2nd - Emcee
3rd - DJ
4th - Graffitti

The other one Is the 5th which is Beat Boxing.
by Hue Jass June 20, 2004
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1. Sexual chart origianlly derived from 'The Periodic Table of Elements'. Developed to display and classify kinky/eroitic behaviors. Rare elements including mustache ride, beastiality, fire crotch, and the precious dirty sanchez. The invention is generally credited to Drew & Maranda.

2. Revolution of the scientific and sexual world.
Wow, The Eriotic table of Elements have really enlightened my sexual knowlegde!
by lickmybutthole101 May 30, 2009
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Elements of hip hop:
1.BBOYING not Breakdancing, BBOYING

some know a fifth element, it is KNOWLEDGE.
stupid nonbreaker: OMG can you breakdance can you breakdance?!?! show me now show me now! can you do that thing where you spin on your head?!?!

true bboy: FUCK YOU.
by dont worry about it. February 4, 2005
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Cool Maths Games Gamer: Hey man, look, mah score on duck life is Infinity.
Proper Gamer: Ur not cool. You are using Inspect Element Hacking you dumb Cool Maths Gamer
by Prime Worshipper August 1, 2017
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Element 39 Y is a level collaboration made by creator Scylve and Glitchy in the game Geometry Dash. It is best known for its extensive lore and its 1.6-style decoration, and it uses Time Machine as its song. Tino, however, is a major opponent in the level whose grasp you have to escape...
Person A: Yo, what level are you playing? It looks cool.
Person B: I'm playing Element 39 Y. Fuck Tino.
by Scylve March 30, 2023
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The five creative and self expressive arts that one in the true hiphop culture would perform the elements being rapping, beatboxing, graffiti, dj'ing, and breakdancing
Yo I mastered the five elements of hiphop I'm truly down with the street life, I'm a urban guru.
by Mr. Murk September 9, 2021
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