A team of diverse people, such as race or gender, that are put in a competitive situation and are determined to be victorious
Student 1: Dude that team is gonna crush us.

Student 2: What did you expect, they’re name is Diverse Thunder
by I_am_the_senete March 19, 2019
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A band based out of Cleveland Ohio that covers other songs well but has crappy original music. They have been around for 3 years now and have yet to make it big.
"Did you go see that Mediocre Thunder concert"
by Troy881 May 9, 2010
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A sexual act in which the male parter, as he is about to finish, pulls out, and produces a tazer. He proceeds to press the tazer against the female genetalia , shock her, and then finish over the affected area.
man1 " so, how was your night?"
man 2 "pretty good, this girl i took home from the bar let me thunder splooge her, shit was cash"
by Djuken December 25, 2019
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A "politicaly correct" way of saying retard.

1 Less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.

‘the child is totally Tropic Thunder’

1.1informal Very foolish or stupid.


In the sense ‘less mentally advanced in development than is usual for one's age’, retarded dates from the late 19th century. It has acquired offensive connotations in recent decades, and terms such as developmentally disabled or "being a full Tropic Thunder" are now preferred.
‘You never go full Tropic Thunder.’
by molochi May 2, 2019
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