An extremely poorly thought out take that is contradicting to the common understanding of the subject matter.
Person A: "God, I need the AC on, it is so humid in here"
Henry take: "I love humid weather, I sleep the best when it's really humid and warm!"

Person B: "What is your favourite pizza topping?"

Person A: "Oh, I love pepperoni"
Henry take: "Pepperoni is literally the worst pizza topping!"
by thedeaconofsox August 8, 2021
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Henry march is a bitch

He also likes war thunder
Person: “Yo henry march whas good”
Henry march: “meow :3
by BEWUOAKSNWK April 17, 2023
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Two people who are usually male and female who are made for each. Both have many similarities. Are usually two idiots.
by 🌊Posideon🌊 February 1, 2016
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It’s 69.420 inches long. Way longer than Tootymcbootys
by Glizzysucker69 June 12, 2022
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phillip henry hacker the fourth was an ancient prussian king who changed the national religion to that of the ancient Greeks. many historians this action to the downfall of the prussian empire. On the positive side, this man was said to have enjoyed an early version of {volleyball} that died out before its hawaiian counterpart gained familiarity.

used to describe someone who enjoys religion and obscure sports
Tony: YO, did you see that the new kid carries a bible?
Jon: No way, he was at Volleyball practice. Must be a phillip henry hacker IV.
by thesigman March 26, 2018
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Lauryn Henry is a slang word for "bitch" it is very stinky between the pipes. Nickname chronic
by joshttt123 April 20, 2016
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