A term used to tell someone to get down because bullets are going to be fired in their general direction in the immediate future. The general idea behind wording the phrase this way is to let your friend know what is about to happen whilest leaving your helpless, soon to be, victims in the dark.

Used by Bullet-Toothed Tony in the movie "Snatch"
"Avi, pull your socks up!"
by hopeagnsthope313 September 29, 2006
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literally referring to what Abraham Lincoln (read a few law books he found in a junk barrel, then became a lawyer and later President of The United States and Booker T Washington (learned to read and write as a black apprentice sailor) actually did, this term means:

to legally work, or rather legally to nigger, one's way up the social ladder of one's society in one's zeitgeist using nothing but one's own blood, sweat, toil, common sense, education and street-smarts
son: I don't understand how Abraham Lincoln legally achieved what he did. He was born on a bloody farm.

father: Jordan, just stop blabbering and learn the meaning of the phrase to pull yourself up by your boot straps and you'll do just as well. Now good night.
by Sexydimma May 19, 2012
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And expression used to signify the intention of taking a long nap.
"Man, when I get outta class I am gonna get some chinese food with extra MSG and pull the bars up on the crib."
by Chris Giarraputo December 9, 2004
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I'm still in bed and have no intention of participating in any social diversions at this time.
Him: "WYA?"
Her: "about to pull up"
by Hedgefund Bot February 25, 2021
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The act of spraying Taco Bell hot sauce into your roomate’s underpants, causing such an intense burning that he jumps into the sky.
Oh no! I think jimbo cajington seemed to have done the ‘ol Georgian pull-up again! My sphincter feels like a fresh Doritos loco taco!
by Clondike ravenport February 20, 2018
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Usually used by indo canadian gangsters to jump someone. The straightest of all the pull ups. Have to say yooooooo before.
Usually used by indo canadian gangsters to jump someone.

Yooooo man buddies straight pull up on him yooo.

Yo miuru and his cousins straight pulled up on me yoooo straight jumped me yoooo.

Yo man callin up my fawkinn buddies yooo straight pull up.
by Existential Crisis May 17, 2018
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