Someone who didn't think you could add words to urban dictionary
"You're being a bad Markus right now, just because it's on urban dictionary doesn't mean it's true"
by Lexamatick March 17, 2022
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Guys :Markus sucks at basketball
Markus Hamilton: Fucking Bet (360 layup)
by Zensuke_007 December 16, 2016
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And...The correct spelling IS....
<drum roll>

Markus Sigfridsson
yup markus sigfridson but with 2 s's! WOW! 2 freaking s's.
again that is
Markus Sigfridsson
by the other Joel Mascinator June 17, 2004
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If you meet him the first time, you will wonder, how a person can be so smart and such an idiot at the same time. He is usually pretty funny but he can get pretty serious in sertain topics. A Sebastian Markus always gets girls way out of his league. He is not the perfect lover, but his girlfriend still loves him. He is a weired guy and his friends only stay with him to protect other people of him, but they are fine with it.
What is wrong with Sebastian Markus?

by Nymareg December 6, 2018
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When you ask for a round and are the last to come.
Dude why did you pull the Markus on us??
Sorry i was golfing the whole morning and didn't tell you because why the fuck should I.

My girlfriend was doing the Markus on me yesterday ...
by YoloGunthi123 October 10, 2021
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Markus is a fine young man, usually he is the "type of guy" to have his laptop out in his arm's Markus is super charming he has a smile so nice you'll thank him. Markus is very popular among his peers.
That guy has a huge cock he must be called Markus Stevens
by Fantabubbles September 16, 2021
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Something you say to someone when someone does something even remotely incorrect
Person 1: Places a lego brick SLIGHTLY incorrect
Person 2: Yeah, Markus
by Cherrywastaken August 25, 2022
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