What a girl says when she's not interested in a relationship with you, but just wants to be friends with you. That is literally it. She does not owe you a relationship, or sex, or anything for you being nice to her. You can't bitch and moan about her "going for the douchebags" or going for guys who will "treat her like shit" because that's just you refusing to believe that any woman /dare/ not be interested in you, so you make yourself believe that it must be something wrong with her.

Sorry, but she's just not interested. Either you move on while being friends, or you stop being friends. You can't turn a yes into a no, no matter how much of a "gentleman" you are.
1: Hey, we seem to enjoy being around each other and share some of the same interests. Would you like to go out some time?
2: No thanks, let's just be friends.
1: I respect your decision and will not bitch and moan about how all girls are sluts who only go for guys who treat them like shit, because I can take a rejection without letting it bother me.
2: Wow, you're a normal human being!
by Butterscotchyyy December 9, 2018
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referring to the person you love the most in life
a - marinette, no, she’s just a friend

p - 😏
by imprayingonthefallofjily July 23, 2022
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What you say when you're pretending not to like someone so you can date someone else, or make others jealous.
Being just good friends is often temporary, and may result in being more than friends and having wild crazy sex.
Me and John used to be just good friends, but now we're married with 10 kids!

2Me and John are just good friends now, I'm dating Brad!
by Caramelised July 13, 2004
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A phrase when a girl/guy politely tells you that they don't see you as a romantic partner, but still wants to be friends with you.

If you are angered or feel insulted by this, you really shouldn't be, as it's their personal choice and opinion on who they view as a friend or as a partner and you should just move on as this is one chapter in you life.

Keep your friendship with said person and to not ruin it unless you are one of those "Nice Guy" or "Nice Girl"
by JackieTackie June 2, 2019
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Sometimes when running into a guy who is a general Nice Guy or someone with Nice Guy Syndrome it's good to put them down gently with the phrase "Let's Just Be Friends". it signifies that at a girl or boy feels little to no attraction towards the guy or girl that has been pining for them for a date.

Most often this leads to the friendzone and if you don't mind being just friends that's perfectly okay, but if you are creepy you might never be talked to again.
"Hey Jenny, want to date me?"

"Sorry Chad, I just don't feel that way about you, Let's Just Be Friends"
by Screaming Cactus April 30, 2018
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What someone says when they find your company enjoyable, but do not feel any attraction to you. It does not mean they want to hurt you, despite what many nice guys claim.
"I think you're a great person, but I just don't like you that way. Let's just be friends.
by whatthehelliswrongwithpeople November 19, 2018
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