Writing down the things one is experiencing, thinking, and feeling as being those a character in a fictitious story is experiencing.
"Third person journaling" allows one to detach oneself from oneself and perceive and express things differently and more objectively than when writing about oneself.
by but for January 12, 2018
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Originally the name of a tabloid magazine written for those in the medical profession. Now, it merely refers to subscriptions that you're still paying for and receiving in your mail - these of which you neither have the time to read nor ever intend to do so.
I'm getting bored of this trashy fashion magazine that I've stupidly subscribed to two months ago. It's such a British Medical Journal!
by Morbus February 24, 2013
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When the story you're working on doesn't fit your prefered historiography.
When you're doing hit and run journalism you're not only publishing a story without apologizing for said story being anachronistic but you forgot to attach your bibliography.
by Sexydimma October 21, 2022
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Ew. Just ew. Their editorials are hot garbage but probably THE worst part is their archaic subscription practice, which is an outright scam! Once subscribed there is no way to cancel it online, they don't even take email, you have to actually call them to cancel. And if you live outside of the US, well good luck finding the proper line.
Imagine owning a huge ass news corporation with their own mobile app, and yet they STILL don't give people the option to cancel their subscription via web or app. That's Wall Street Journal for ya.
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian September 30, 2022
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Adj. To dress or carry oneself conservatively.
Me: Adam dresses well.
Gogo: He's not metro, he's more wall street journal.
by Kopiomadness March 5, 2007
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I read the Wall Street Journal at a bar and picked up a few chicks.
by Bozo123 September 11, 2005
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