A shit that is not refreshing to let go and you wish you hadn’t.
I just shifted my pants that shit was grumpy dumpy.
by Palmer McCshitter June 4, 2022
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A dump that is so large it physically hurts to poop out
Person 1: Wow dude, that was a Giganticus Dumpis

Person 2: Yeah, I saw

Person 1: What the hell
by BEANS WITH A Z November 8, 2021
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the phrase used when one is leaving a twitch stream for a while but will still have it playing in the background, dumpily.
o7 snowy! i hope your dumpy lurk is extra frogeThicc
by emmajayunderscore May 20, 2021
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When your friend has been through a lot so they channel it into growing their booty
You: Looking thick today bro that ass looking tight
Friend: thanks bro I've been training hard since my dad left
You: Damn you double cheecked up you getting that trauma dumpy
by DeesLaw November 21, 2021
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something you get when you eat too much cheese, much like constipation.
Walter "hey what happened to you?"

Some guy "oh man i had so much cheese last night i just spent an hour in the bathroom trying to push out my cheese dumpies"
by T&Tfan September 17, 2011
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Dumpy toe when someone is dumber than a toe with an obvious appendice resemblance
It was then that juanaguato realized that everyone saw he was a dumpy toe
by April 28, 2021
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Someone with a big dump truck asss. Someone who prefers a dirty bulk diet and is therefore on the larger end (almost pregnant looking). It is vital to avoid these people as they track their calories and spend 3 hours daily at the gym, whilst showing no results but keep saying 'the cut will be insane!'
Have you seen Dylan Wood recently, he's got a fat asss from all that bulking. May as well call him humpy dumpy Dylan!
by humpydumpydylan February 21, 2023
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