Competitive stalking involves 2 or more parties competing to stalk one's social media and trying to find out information on someone's life through social media. The winner is the one who finds out the most information within a certain timeframe. The profile being stalked is be a fictional profile which is set up by someone and cannot participate in that round of the game.
Want to play competitive stalking? Chloe will set up the profile while me and Yuna will be the 'stalker'!
by film divers August 8, 2023
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The Unusual Competition is the best Discord camp. EVER. Only the chaddest of chads compete in this camp, where if you lose (haha you suck), you face elimination where one of the contestants will get eliminated. Maybe two if the sigma host, Italian Milk, feels like it. Some EPIC GAMERS that compete are Diceman, Cosplayer, Spirit, Shapey, Lance, Limby, and especially and most importantly, Bingus (i love you bingus marry me). trisdeez
by Juno i love you May 29, 2022
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The best Object Camp on Discord where only the chaddest of chads habit (except cardy fuck you). The camp consists of 24 EPIC GAMERS that are battling for something idk man i forgor. Some of the more notorious epic gamers being Shapey, Sunday Static, Fungi, A, and of course, Bingus. trisdeez
hey ever heard of The Unusual Competition?
stfu jerry
by Juno i love you May 29, 2022
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When someone’s left a turd in the toilet

You put a sheet of toilet paper over it and piss on it until you see the turd through the paper
“Hey guys what did you do during lockdown?”

“We played the wet t-shirt competition game, fun for the whole family
by THeCaKEisAliE010 December 4, 2020
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When someone always wants to be the best or be on top of everything and everyone
Person 1 : Yo bro I'm better at skating than you!
Person 2 : Yeah bet

Person 3: omg he's like so over-the-top competitive!
by Humankiller16 February 2, 2022
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Competitive balance is a concept used for good game making in multiplayer, player versus player games where different characters have different stats.

Basically, no single character type will be better than the other character types.

So if the character types are warrior, archer, and mage, a game that maintains competitive balance will have archers beat mages, mages beat warriors, and warriors beat archers for example.

Note that this is a generalized concept. An archer could theoretically beat a warrior in a fight in the above example, but generally, warriors will have the advantage over archers.

Also known as Elemental Rock Paper Scissors when elements are involved.
*Playing Super Smash Brothers Brawl*
"So who are you gonna be?"
"I like Meta Knight. I'm gonna be him."
"Are you crazy? He breaks competitive balance he's so over powered!"
by suntan50 December 20, 2015
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the game you can play when you go to "heaven"
wilbur: do you want to play competitive solitaire with me tommy?

tommy: you are weird wilbur.
by slinger may i say March 10, 2021
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