to decline an action or in other words say your "fine".
chris-shut the hell up!(kicks tyler)
tyler- hey man, ill be alright!
by chris_king February 26, 2005
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A phrase that may be used to respond to absolutely anything. When something sweet happens you, you pronoujnce the ohs short but when something shitty happpens you elongated the ohhhs.
Scrub- dude im having a rager tomorow.

Bro- oh, ohh alright.
by whatsgood! October 12, 2009
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1. The phrase Two-Face wanted Jim Gordon to say in "The Dark Knight".
2. A lie that you tell someone when they are probably going to die.
1. Two-Face: "Tell him everything is going to be alright".

Jim Gordon: "Everything is going to be alright son".

2. John: "Dude everything is going to be alright".

by SoliquidForLife January 18, 2019
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fuckin alright guy is a term used to ask a person if they are a FAG.
"hey joey you are a fuckin alright guy"
"your a FAG"
by primo and jason July 11, 2008
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a phrase owned by the king himself Louis Tomlinson he commonly tweets it to check on is fans
hey did you see Louis tweeted yesterday

really what did he say

Hope everyone is alright!
of course he did
by larry_the_cucumber March 2, 2021
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A way to tell your friend from Oakville that they aren't hard because they know some Scarborough slang.
Dumbass Friend: "Nyeah eh, what's up fam"

Cool Friend: "Alright, North York"
by MrMarkTheNWord April 11, 2019
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