A man who has a strong desire to have sexual relations with girls with no standards. Often is found in the botherby area of Carlisle harassing young women
You heard someone shagged Dippy Lois last night. That man is such an Alex Wills
by Saskia Todd July 6, 2022
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Often sexy, drowns in pussy and has a 20 inch slong.
Kalle banged 30 chicks last weekend, he's such a Wille.
by Sewer rapist December 12, 2016
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"Swedish slang for a guy with a small dick"
girl1: so what about him?
girl2: no no no no its Wille
girl1: oh...
by rajjtan December 14, 2016
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A Guy with a massive P that could satisfy a girl with just a flinch. He could easily steal your girl with just a look.
Person 1: -“a look at that guy over there”
Person 2:-“what a champ look how all the girls are after him”
Person 3:-“he most be a Wille”
by Willy (milkys friend) February 2, 2021
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He is a very hot guy who every girl loves, he is kind and super cool.
Girl: OMG! Its wille! He is so hot!!
Wille: Thanks!
by Im am Anonymus February 20, 2017
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