When you have intercourse with a girl who is so wet she constantly leaks on you. While she is leaking you struggle to breathe and have a near death experience because you almost drown. Dont try at home
That girl is a crazy lubricated topper. I wouldnt do her.
by frandern August 31, 2010
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Timmy Topper is a pronoun used to designate your annoying friend that always one ups your story regardless if their story is true or not.
Rachel says to Joey Monica is such a timmy topper. I was talking to chandler about how i saved 10 dollars on my shoes and then Monica comes in and say s she saved twenty dollars. Whatva cunt.
by Ohan33 September 28, 2015
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When young adults or teenagers dress trendy and act like they are really cool. Often travel in packs with other chart toppers. They will often mimick clothing that they see on MTV. You may see them shopping at Hot Topic and Abercrombie & Fitch
Damn look at those chart toppers, they sure look stupid.
by Big G 31 April 12, 2008
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Deeply closeted man.

Referring to a man so deeply closeted he sits between the bag that says Goodwill and your grandma’s old Christmas decor.
Yeah he says he’s straight but I think he’s an angel topper.
by grillboss26 April 26, 2023
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Deeply closeted man.
In the back of the closet next to the bag that you said you were gonna donate to Goodwill 2 months ago.
He says he’s straight but I think he’s an angel topper.
by grillboss26 April 26, 2023
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Ask Delilah, it’s her favourite move.
Delilah is a pro meister with the Topper Snorkel Double Cheek
by Cisco3 December 12, 2019
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Think of it as fucking taking a piss in the tank of a toilet. Like an upper decker but with piss.
He did a lemonade topper in yo toilet man.

Fuck I know shit sucks
by Mrs. Simms January 8, 2022
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