She is so sweet and kind she is bi and is a little anti social she is very friendly and is not a back stabber she really doesnt care who she dates it their character that matters the most to her she is Mexican and white she has a lot of friends that are protective of her and love her
Omg Mary Jane she is so nice and freindly
by Petlover 848 January 10, 2020
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A Mary Jane is a female who is always down to smoke the Mary Jane. She is usually someone who is a very beautiful specimen of the women breed that appreciates and values weed. Mary Janes are not to be confused with “stoners”, “stoner girls” or “potheads”. Mary Janes are built different and are usually people who tend to get pissed off easily and convince themselves they smoke a fuck ton to help them “chill out” or cope with their anxiety. Unlike stoner girls, Mary Janes are more chill and don’t make smoking their entire personalities. It’s not a secret they just wouldn’t consider themselves a stoner or pothead but smoke just as much if not, more. The aesthetic of and vibe of heir smoke sesh is completely different than any other.
“Omg your a Mary Jane too?”

“Nah she’s not a stoner or a pothead, definitely a Mary Jane”
by Dumbassbitchperiodt July 29, 2022
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The driver you become after smoking pot—with great precision but not very much speed
‘Man!! I smoked a blunt ont the way home and suddenly I was Mary Jane Andretti ‘
by LuckDog November 30, 2017
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