marilyn manson is a loser.

most of his songs are covers from other bands and they're never anywhere near as good as the original.

all americans are gay.
Marilyn Manson - "I'm Gay"
Me - "I know man...I know"
by petey pete pete January 15, 2008
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the act of being able to give yourself oral sex
Tucker: What the hell is that guy doing?
Drew: He is Marilyn Mansoning, leave him be
by toomuchshame August 3, 2009
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a creepy homo who likes to do porn stars..........hehe rachel
by mcrbemaddshmexxi August 26, 2008
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A shock rock, goth/black/industrial singer who had decent material and gave entertaining performances until his divorce with Von Teese.
The newest album, Eat me Drink me, is the emo filth repercussion of the divorce.

John: Why does marilyn manson cry?

Jesus: He has to go back to putting his balls on security guards' heads for action.
by Felltablet October 14, 2007
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An angry guy who tries to get attention by doing crazy things.
His music is alright but his message is stupid and pointless.
He hates Christianity just because he is a social reject.
Marilyn Manson is an idiot. If he tells kids to commit suicide because it will "make them happy", why doesn't he do it?
by Manson sucks... February 25, 2005
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