The theory related to Mark Russell that states "the smaller his penis is, the larger his ego gets."
Mark's penis is 4 inches long when erect, therefore he behaves as if it is double the length and girth.
by osamabinvender March 19, 2004
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The more hectic one's life becomes, the lower and trashier one has to read.
"Did you find a job, your lost dog, or a place to live yet?" "No, but I did get 50 Shades of Grey from the library, so the Law of Inverses in Fiction works."
by Bookwords June 12, 2013
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"Man, she was a total inversion layer, she was all "hold my legs,hold my legs" on me.."
by rochallor February 5, 2009
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States that the confidence in one’s Penis size relative to its physical size is inversely proportional to “big dick energy” levels
“Yeah his dick was on the smaller side but that didn’t stop him from rocking my world, it amazing how confident he was in himself.
Yeah that’s that “Richards Inverse Equation

Richard’s Inverse Equation
by Longdogger88 January 12, 2023
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the surgical process of a female having the vagina inverted to represent a penis.
Damn, my woman had a vaginal inversion... now she wears pant suits to work.
by No Futron July 20, 2012
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When the guy sits reverse cowgirl on top , sticks it i her and shits on her belly
Bro I worked the inverse cowboy on that cowgirl and she loved it
by Ndizzle78 December 29, 2022
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The event when, instead of the penis growing larger, the rest of the body gets smaller, thereby increasing the relative size of the shlong.

Not to be confused with a reverse boner.
You see, Perry the Platypus, with my latest inator, I will obtain an unstoppable inverse boner: giving me the largest glizzy in the entire Tri State Area... relatively.
by Only_69 April 19, 2021
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