When someone has strong negative emotions over something petty or stupid, often made worse by the fact that the person also lives in a mobile home with 4 other siblings.
Cletus was such a butthurt redneck after I broke his goose call.
by ImAninjaWarrior July 3, 2012
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A person (or a groups) of people who are butthurt over a simple statement.

Negative Nancy - Positive Polly - Debbie Downer
When you offend someone by simply saying that their interest in music BODTF for example sucks eggs.


*gets emotional and dies on spot*

Idiot 2: Jeesh, okay, don't be such a Butthurt Betty, I take it back. (pause, NOT)
by Jlo96 March 31, 2013
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A kid who's so salty that will do anything in there power to get you banned on discord
The butthurt kid was so salty he reported my funny troll when I wasn't even in the server, and then banned me from the server I was currently in.
by ImamAlilover69 October 13, 2020
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When a person is acting like a complete shmole, in terms of unwanted behavior in a fun-filled group.
The only thing worse than a party-pooper is a butthurt raf!!
by tellittothejudge67 May 9, 2020
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Someone who is offended and shocked at something someone says or the outcome of a situation. butthurt, bewildered, offended, shocked, outraged, frustrated, caught off guard, blindsided, angry
I can't believe that John was so butthurt and bewildered that his girlfriend left him when he cheated on her.
by joecoolthefool September 8, 2016
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A fatal disease spread by the butthurt ginger troll, Nick Santino, from the band A Rocket To The Moon. Symptoms are: extreme bitterness, tweeting about how your life sucks, and sinusitis.
Patient: I think I have sinusitis. Ugh, I hate life.

Doctor: When do you think this started?
Patient: About a week ago, I saw a concert.

Doctor: Well, it looks to me it was a Rocket To The Moon concert because you might've caught a severe case of butthurt disease. Which only can be spread by the troll, Nick Santino.
by Halvo January 11, 2011
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When somebody says/does something to you that you think is totally reasonable, but somebody you've never met sees it and gets offended for you.
I was teasing my girlfriend at the beach and she slapped me. We were just playing around (and I totally deserved it) but some men's rights weenie got vicarious butthurt and threatened to call the cops. So I slapped him and he cried.
by nobody@nowhere.com March 27, 2017
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