Bold New York is a member of the Bold clan, its leader is Bold Heston.

His image is the quote from the movie "The Pirates" "Yes, but actually no"

He is knowned to be one of the most members to say Good Morning first, specially when Bolf Heston wakes up.
Bold New York Dude is part of the Bold Heston Clan from Twitter.
by Kounter October 7, 2020
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When you gangbang grandma on an abandoned railroad track at 1am on a Tuesday.
Had to help grandma travel at night due to the recent rise in New York Pipelines going around my area.
by _SirHumble January 5, 2023
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Something particular to New York State that is asinine in nature, very inconvenient, and benefits no one.
What is this "preparation tax?" Oh, it's a tax for having the guy make your sandwich. It's so the business can pay it's DoDo extinction tax. It's a New York thing.
by Sp100 April 7, 2020
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Wordplay on "push up against ya new york" this describes any extremely crowded subway 🚇 in the new york subway system. On such a subway a guy or a woman 👠 could cop an anonymous feel and not be blamed for it.
I always take the a train uptown every day around 5 in the evening
Pushupaginchya new york is what it is
by 4realazitgits April 22, 2021
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Dating knowing your partner will leave for New York and it's difficult to define your relationship.
Are you two dating? No we're yorking.
by I am only a bill. June 19, 2020
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When you are riding someone's bumper real close causing great panic.
If thus car keeps yorking me I'm going to crash and die.
by Morg4n July 29, 2021
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