(noun): when you do something purposefully like a bish (because sometimes people just need to be put in their place) and then you tell your bf about it. His response determines if you have a future together.

This test is to be used in conjunction with and only after you have successfully completed the Bear Test.
"Hey Amanda, did Pastry ever pass his Spicy Sister Test?"

"Why, yes, he sure did Sabrina. I told him about how I sassed and stared down the short guy at work while I was wearing heels. The bf responded with, 'That's totally his own fault.' He did well and now I know he can handle this spicy sister."
by Aunt Bina March 10, 2014
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A mood in which you're feeling spicy.
im feeling really emotionally spicy right now. There's so much emotional spicyness, I cant even.
by Hambergerlar July 31, 2018
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A spicy jack is the act of performing analingus after eating hot peppers, so the recipient experiences a tingling sensation on their anus.
"Took my chick to chipotle and got a grande burrito with refried beans jalapeños and extra cheese. Later that night I gave her a spicy jack and had her like 'ay caramba' all night"
by Spicy Jack September 16, 2017
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1. A nickname for Rubber when it is being made
2. Something to replace Tide Pods
Person: Why eat tide pods when you could eat Spicy Honey?
by WHYTHEHECKNOT April 1, 2018
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When your hair is messy and out of control.
"Austin has some spicy salad ontop his head"
by Augedog April 15, 2016
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A food that is the perfect spice level for the average white person
Pepper, and mayonaisse are examples of white person spicy foods
by 69 Is A Number September 10, 2023
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Ionizing radiation, such as subatomic parties ejected by radioactive materials, or ultra-violet rays.
by slashcammas June 19, 2023
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