To be not cool, extremly happy, or a homosexual
"dude, thats gay" -stupid
"old novelists write that they cannot be gayer on a sunny , breezy day"
"hey david"
"let me have some shit stick"
"yea honey ass muffins"
by zachismadniggerishyo September 23, 2007
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Gabe: he just got PLAYED holmes....
by Brandon Hartz July 19, 2006
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1. Happy

2. A Homosexual male (for female see: Lesbian.

3. An insult at another person calling them homosexual because its "not normal".
1. Wow your gay

2. Wow your gay

3. Wow your gay
by Da Middle Fingah September 13, 2009
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an adjective used to describe a person who drives a sky blue jetta, and has a juke, that tiny homo phone.
Man that kid is gay, he was texting on his gay juke and driving his sky blue jetta at the same time.
by Hillary Rozenas May 20, 2008
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A man who enjoys regular prostate and colon exams
"His doctor touched him, and now he's starting to come out of the closet about being gay"
by TTOWNTPT July 11, 2008
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feminine, girly, likes same sex
Taylor Johnson is a good definition of gay because he likes men.
by Reilly Radmonavich January 3, 2008
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A person attracted to the same sex. There is nothing wrong with them and are as normal as you or me. Are completely AWESOME!
by AnataNoMesu May 9, 2011
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