Livingston inhabitant with a German appearance, but Dutch tongue. Dutch Germans tend to have long beards which hide subtle emotional leakage.
Oh my word! That Dutch German next door was looking at Crake!
by Will Dillan May 27, 2017
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When you want to humourously imply that take away rubbish, pizza boxes etc. can be thrown out of the car by holding the door ajar and sliding the boxes under the car. Has its origins in Northern England which had uncommonly high number of Golf ownership amongst young adults in the 90s.
Person 1: "What should I do with my pizza box?"
Person 2: "The car has German car door syndrome"
by Charles Visitor August 1, 2021
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A phrase used by people online to "loophole" using the N-word in places the N-word is blocked or banned.
"NIGht GERman",

1"i dont like night germans"
2"night germans?"
1" you know, NIGht GERmans"
2 "oh"
by i do stuff online December 13, 2018
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When you eat to much German food and you end up taking the biggest dump ever
I went to octoberfest and ate so much I ended up delivering the German howitzer
by Thorgrim 1965 July 19, 2017
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A not-so-subtle alternate name for a certain piece of national socialist iconography; literally a meme name for a swastika to make it sound less threatening.
My buddy just got back from Charleston... he got a sick new tattoo, he hasn't shown me yet but he says its a german fun wheel. Sounds cool, right?
by Nophux1453 August 30, 2018
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