Typically people named Jordan are a spicy white boy. They are also mostly in denial. Spicy white boy originate from little gays with a sense of style. They tend to have a very dark sense of humor and I’m some rare cases…Talk in third person. They are nothing but a white person but better.
by LittleLemonBoy May 28, 2022
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top secret sex position only know by jorja and eliana
jorja: kansalsihdehowwjbe spicy yellow?
eliana: ok roger that see u in 10
by spicyyellowmustardman December 28, 2021
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When a male (or female) ties up their partner and sticks one of their hands into a back of takis, hot Cheetos or something spicy, and proceeds to rub the testes or lips of the vagina with the hand covered in said spices
Eddie: man I put her in a damn spicy restraint last night and fed her pussy some takis she was screaming it burned so much!
Tom: that’s weird bro you need help.
Eddie: nah she loved it we called it the spicy restraint.
by Doggo_stew January 10, 2021
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Cum in a chicks ass, then you stick it in her pussy, then into her mouth.
That chick was a freak. She let me give her a Spicy Wet Nacho!
by SiknessTheory October 17, 2020
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When a guy with an inflamed penis (due to numming agents such as lube or other gels) puts his Penis through a hole of a donut and has his partner proceed to eat the donut off the penis, thus the spicy donut jawn.
guy 1: Dude my girl did the spicy donut jawn on me last night
guy 2: bro no way!
by Laneytheg May 3, 2021
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(noun): when you do something purposefully like a bish (because sometimes people just need to be put in their place) and then you tell your bf about it. His response determines if you have a future together.

This test is to be used in conjunction with and only after you have successfully completed the Bear Test.
"Hey Amanda, did Pastry ever pass his Spicy Sister Test?"

"Why, yes, he sure did Sabrina. I told him about how I sassed and stared down the short guy at work while I was wearing heels. The bf responded with, 'That's totally his own fault.' He did well and now I know he can handle this spicy sister."
by Aunt Bina March 10, 2014
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