covid 19 but it makes your cock 12 inches longer
damn my boy caden got cock big 19
by big not gay September 7, 2021
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YOUR birthday 🫵
aka a cuties bday hihi :3

happy late bday to you 🫶😻
november 19 is the best bday ngl”
by cutekpopgrl October 7, 2023
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someone who knows coroana is a collective name for influenza,s common flew

caused by pathogens of plant and/or animal germs, and a refreshing kind of Mexican beer.
and is wrongfully convicted through the fear of self proclaimed hierarchical germo-fobes to go bankrupt , attract a real dis-ease , has to hide his/her face , is imprisoned in his/her own home , not allowed to visit a dying relative , watch dis information all day long , refuses to where masks and keep distance , stands up against corruption on government level , does not recognize him/herself as infectious or the cause of people dying in shock and awe , goes against the fear tactic narrative , but is of sound mind and health and hold no fear and understands memes/humor.
hey brother convict-19! doing time at home?
still got enough cold corona.s in the fridge?
that stuff is on sale everywhere!
where watching this rigged game at home looks like where headed in to overtime.
all convict-19 ,s are being played by the ref.
by R-Evolution-SoulJah November 12, 2020
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The day the greatest pussy alive was born
I was born in November 19 2007 and I have a nice va gay gay
by Lotusmoon June 17, 2022
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Covid-19 effect is when a pandemic breaks out and a lot of people doesn't seem to understand that we need to quarantine ourselves for the pandemic to blow over and for life to get back to normal.
guy 1: do you remember 2020?
guy 2: yeah that year had such a Covid-19 effect.
guy 1: a lot of idiots didn't seem to understand we had to distance ourselves for the virus to die.
guy 2: Crazy...
by Bee_Softy May 18, 2020
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