Dick Cheney is the only acceptable person that everyone can call a NIGGER.
dude: I cant wait for dick cheney to fuckin die.
other dude: you mean that NIGGER.
by hellsangel August 11, 2006
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When you blow your load on your friend's face and claim it was an accident.

Bonus points if they have incriminating evidence on you.
Sally better shut up about that shit or Jim is going to Dick Cheney her.

That asshole Dick Cheney'ed me, now I can't clean up this mess he left on my face.
by Tanker66 July 26, 2010
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1. Pulling out and cumming on a girls face

2. Vice President of the United States under George W. Bush who famously shot his friend in the face and got the friend to apologize
He was having sex with her and totally dick cheneyed her! Her face was covered in spunk.
by dirty little girl October 16, 2010
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A sexual act in which the guy blows his load on the girl's face, then forces her to apologize for standing in the way, through intimidation or otherwise.
Alec: So I Dick Cheney'ed that girl last night. She was in tears.

Eddie: Heh. Bitch had it coming.
by Breadfish February 25, 2011
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she changed her name from evil cunt vein to Penis Lock, and later to dick cheney, and since then has this walking evidence of parasite power been screwing with you americans, and it's hard to watch your whole country just fade away because of this Dick.
if anything says anything evil, dicks' spirit has been involved.
by Max March 10, 2005
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a big fat pig equivolent of michael moore in th republican party
would look like the classic southerner with his shirt off
by former republican September 7, 2004
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When one surprises a friend by blowing a load in their face.
I met a chick last night and I totally pulled a Dick Cheney all over her face.
by Wood Chuck M.F. July 5, 2012
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