What you call any restaurant or fast food chain that you're not particularly fond of. Translates to "Eat 'n' Vomit" in Aussie slang, and a play on the "X 'n' Y" convention of naming eateries where X relates to eating, and Y is usually 'Go'.
Grab us a burger from the local Chew 'n' Spew willya?
by Choda Boy 57 March 16, 2008
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Spew-it-knew-it theory says that students commonly retain a lot of information for an important test/exam but then mostly forget about it once they don't need to know it anymore.

Believe it or not this has actually been backed up by real research by Hermann Ebbinghaus.
Test question (short answer): What does the spew-it-knew-it theory say?

Answer: it means that once I know it I'm completely forget about it and everything else regarding the tested information.
by Sid Barrett May 12, 2009
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When your printer is not plugged in for a while, so every time you press print nothing happens. Then, one day, when it's plugged in again about 50 papers are printed, none of which you really needed.
"Where were you, you're 20 minutes late!"

"Sorry, I just plugged in the printer to print my paper, but I got major printer out spew."
by banana210 April 10, 2009
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To Spew Yir Ring is to be violently sick, originates in Glasgow and usually crops up during the recount of events for an average Friday or Saturday night.
He ate so much, it'd make you want to spew yir ring!
by The Patter August 19, 2006
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Similar to an Irish Car Bomb, but the Domestic U.S. Version. The Buick of "Bomb" drinks. Fill a glass with a Miller Lite. Fill a shot glass with Jack Daniels. When ready, go outside, drop the shot into the beer glass, and CHUG! Caution: May tear your stomach lining! Tastes similar to 87 Octane Gasoline!
Red, White, and Spew was created by Kyle T and Matt H.
by monkyboy550 January 13, 2008
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To spew one's balls.
To be in such testicular pain that one feels like he's throwing up his testicles.
Sometimes, nausea and vomiting accompany the pain.
Guy 1 - I think i'm gonna spew my balls, i can taste puke in my mouth! Get me an ice pack!
Guy 2 - Oh man! That bitch destroyed you with one kick!
by Nobli January 14, 2023
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A colloquial term for projectile vomiting, most usually after ingesting large quantities of alcohol and a substantial meal.

The less the meal was chewed, the larger the chunks.
If chunks were spewed a significant amount of time after a meal was consumed, then it would be more accurate to describe consequential upthrowing as 'Spewing chunklets'.
Brian and Adrian drank so much they both spewed some chunks.

Whoa! Look at Geoff - he's about to spew some chunks!

Sharon didn't eat a meatball sub before going out, so she only spewed chunklets.
by iastyo March 21, 2010
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