Sergeant Ling is often heartbroken and will go read music when not crying. Has a GPA of 1.3
by Some guy from discord November 23, 2021
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1st Sergeant Red is a bad a** mother f**ker and can destroy enemies at any given moment and will take down main targets with Arcana Company
Wow look at 1st Sergeant Red be an absolute unit on those enemies
by 1stSgt Red October 31, 2019
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Someone who likes to have sex with animals, especially dogs, and call them 'soldier' throughout.
'I saw Sergeant Vicky sucking off a rottweiler last night'
by mrs_awesome May 21, 2009
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A Vet friend who is severely retarded
you are just like Sergeant Murica
by DankCrusader January 13, 2022
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To fuck a dog while taking a shit in a girls mouth
I walked into my house and saw my little sister and my brother and dog named willer giving each-other a Sergeant bishop
by dickmouth dhdjdjd September 11, 2021
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A "Sergeant Marshall" is a member of the Armed Forces, more specifically the the New Zealand Army and is a man of giant stature who is capable of ripping the heads of his enemies and crushing there skulls with his own hands. Often feared by his foe and subordinates, equally and superiors who will often given to insure there own head remains on firmly attached to there Shoulders.
Enemy fighter 1: "who's that man standing shirtless with a taiaha in one hand and a human skull in the other"

Enemy Fighter 2: "That's a Sergeant Marshall a man capable of absolute destruction"

Enemy Fighter 1: "We Should Run"

Enemy Fighter 2: "Its too late once a Sergeant Marshall spots you all hope is lost and you are sure to have you're skull crushed"

Sergeant Marshall: "Aaarrggghhh!!!!"
by thearmymancan April 25, 2022
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