One who on a regular basis pursues particulary unattractive females or munters, with the sole objective of getting passionate with them, to boost there own self-esteem.
"Dean pulls loads of ugly girls, he is a munter hunter" or
"The munter hunter is behind the building having intercourse with a particularly ugly lady"
by StuartB August 4, 2008
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A member of the opposite sex who seems attractive at long and medium range, but turns into a hideous parody of humanity once eye contact has been established.
"I thought that bird was a right looker, so I flash her a smile. Thought I was well in till she got really close - what a two bagger, "
by Russell November 13, 2003
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(british slang) A young male who goes out purely for the purposes of pulling a munter.
Gregs got really bad taste in birds, yeah he's a right munter hunter.
by Spanky the monkey November 30, 2004
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Janie Munter

The biggest bitch and hoe. She will always use you for money and then cheat on you with a fag.
by Hello97531 April 24, 2020
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A male/female that provides themselves sexualy to munters. An act of kindness some might say, or blind stupidity others will argue. It does however happen and munter shunters do it.
It is also the end result of a game of shunta munta
A game where you have to pull the ugliest person in the bar. the last one stuck with a munter, has to shag them!
' that bruce....he's a munter can see it a mile off though, glazed eyes, wondering hands.. thick as pig shit!'
by ozzy3000 August 4, 2006
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