A word used by climbers to describe othercimbers (or general public) who:
-generally has no idea what they’re doing.
-forgets their rappel device.
-swears by link cams.
-loves hexes.
-owns a trad rack but never leaves the gym.
-inverts their leg loops.
-drops the juul off pitch 3.
-shows up to the crag in an audi.

While seemingly a derogatory term, chach is an endearing term used amongst friends as a way to describe a poser or otherwise clueless person.

A Chach is the climbers equivalent of a kook or jerry.
“See that chach over there who just got his rope stuck in a tree.”

“Zach quit being such a Chachbag, how long does it take to build an anchor?!”
by Dr Chach April 1, 2019
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Bristian = chach
That bristian is such a chach.
by Your biggest fan 👼 October 18, 2017
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Any man who annoys you in that moment becomes a chach.
Look at this chach, walking right up to the front of the line like he doesn't notice the 3 dozen people he just cut.

This guy's such a chach.
by SledghΔmmer May 1, 2020
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A Lesbian cunt. Usually carpeted, though not exclusively.
Wow, Cindy seems like a real chach muncher. Chach muncher.
by espirituweinstein March 2, 2019
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An absolute boner. If "that guy" was ever actually a person it's this kid. 9/10 if your name has more than 2 syllables you're a chach
"Do you think Timothy just woke up one day and was a chach or it was a gradual process?"
by Falls1234 June 29, 2017
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A person (usually male) that has blond hair, works out a lot and is loud and and obnoxious. For example Logan Paul.
"That guy checks himself out everyday in the mirror. He such a chach."
by Keira the loganster September 17, 2017
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