Fifty Cent is the Billy Ray Cyrus of Rap
If one was the no talent racial stereotype of a genre of music, one would be the Billy Ray Cyrus of that genre. Billy Ray Cryus is the Billy Ray Cyrus of Country. 50 Cent is the Billy Ray Cyrus of Rap.
by nathan2278 August 2, 2008
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A rapper who somewhat resembles a gorilla with buck teeth.
by infernus16 June 11, 2005
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(Noun)A big Gorrila who turns into a big wuss on BET Awards.
(Nouns)A gorrilla that should be in DragonBall Z.
(Verb)Cocking out in your moment to shine.
(Adj.)1.To be ape like 2.fake 3.just too buff for your own good.
(noun)two quaters not a artist.
Mommy lets go to the zoo to see 50 cent.
Hey, you look 50 cent enough to be in dragon ball z.
by nicoless December 24, 2007
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Fifty dollars worth of a street drug, usually methamphetamine or cocaine.
Dealer: How much you need dog?

You: YO yo yo I need 50 cent worth my nukka.
by maynegiveme50cent December 31, 2005
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Terrible Rapper desroying the music industry also what you call someone who self administers their own bullet wounds.
50 cent a rapper I'd like to kill
DId you hear about that guy whgo 50 cent'd himself in the newspaper.
by Tobias Anderson March 10, 2008
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