A type of player in Call of Duty: Warzone who spends the entire match completing Recon Contracts in order to know the location of the final circle.
"Oh man, I got killed in the final circle by a Recon Richard!"
by Warzone_Vocabulary June 3, 2021
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Synonyms: Richie, Richturd, Mr. K
Richard has reportedly been single for five years. His exact age is 25-45 years old. He will be furious if you play christmas music before thanksgiving. Smells different when asleep.
im Richard Krzyzanowski and my phone got ran over by a car. at the end of the day... i like swim teams, teaching math, And running 10 miles before thanksgiving and bragging about it. If you give me a cake with nuts in it, you suffer.. thank u, next. 🤠
by TotallyNotRichardKrzyzanowski January 23, 2019
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New Richard, also known as Dick Tren, is an Asian maggot with a square head, quite not unlike a blobfish. Serves good top.
New Richard smells like pickled cabbage
by Lee Bong January 30, 2020
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A kind loving young man that has a best friend named Charles and likes to be gay and straight and just a straight up awesome guy
woah theres Adrian Richards
by The Homie Definitions March 29, 2020
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speaks badly about others
their negative

lacks compassion
constantly has drama going on
lie to you
talk more than you listen
play the victim

lose their temper
they have to be right
treat others poorly
are self-obsessed
insist on controlling you
damien richard o’brien- one who constantly lies to you
by damienobrien22 June 18, 2019
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