Ariana is like a big sister she has 7 sibling energy.
Wow Ariana is so cool. She has 7 sibling energy.
by Balls_112 September 8, 2021
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Lesbian who can beat up anyone, a cool and intimidating woman.
,,I'm a pretty strong girl, I go to the gym everyday"
,,Whoa you really have a Mari energy"
by Cool Mari February 14, 2020
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sharing just what’s on the outside and not giving details that are personal
I never know what Jane Doe is doing with her life, she always just gives off surface energy.
by Professor Plum July 12, 2021
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a rare monster flavour that is actually fucking amazing
13 year old: I wanna drink
other 13 year old: try this shit, it’s called Monster Energy Ripper
13 year old: that’s amazing
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When a woman gives you wierd energy and have a wierd way of talking


Hairy fanny
Stinking fanny
Dry lips
«Yo, see that chick over there? I met her once and she gave me heave Android energy».
by EliasXi November 10, 2022
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Refers to someone who clearly knows how to liven up a bedroom, since body-shaming is so last year. You can't choose your body, but you can always choose how you use it. Plus, it's gender-neutral. The counterpart to this is "dead bed energy".
Erica: "Brad is so sweet. He just called out his friends for making homophobic jokes."

Janet: "Whoa, you gotta get on that. That is some frisky bed energy."
by TulipKitten November 1, 2021
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Something that gives off major fall vibes or just radiates pumpkin spice, flannels, and Ugg’s
Wow Emily has big leaf energy today with her pumpkin spice latte and flannel on
by Naginrej_enirehtak_amme October 14, 2020
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