a sarcastic way to get some one to understand their own stupidity in what they just said
"SOoo i went shopping with my mom yesterday.......etc"
"cool story bro, now what chapter do you shut the fuck up?"
by ferrkk October 11, 2011
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A statement said when there is a nothing you can realistically do in a situation.

Often responded simply as "Id need to intervene"
"Hey John what would you do in this situation?"
(Shows video of a semi hauler truck falling down a cliff during a blizzard)
"I'd have to intervene!"
by Rangoisthebestmovie September 10, 2023
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Then, under the auspices of this, how is Matt Walsh NOT responsible for that school shooting? Where he said it was a holy war and then the next day their was a school. Shooting a at catholic school. The first trans shooter ever. If HE is responsible for everything HE does... AND everything everyone else does... How is the thing I SAID earlier incorrect?
A fucking retard "Cus you're a misogynist and I don't want you to be right about anything anymore."

Hym "Well... I AM. You make up your own bullshit rules regarding behavior. You apply it to everyone. You give yourself a pass. You give your logic never applies to your friends or allies. And then you turn around and cry when anyone else doesn't follow them. 'But why aren't you following my rule about not talking about my slut-daughter and/or purpose generating fuck trophies!?' Look at him! 'You're responsible for what you do AND what everyone else does.' So how is your co-worker NOT responsible for your 'holy war' against the trans the resulted in a bunch of murdered children? BY YOUR OWN LOGIC Matt Walsh has murdered more children then I have. Or am I ALSO responsible for that? I'm responsible for everything everyone does? Is society responsible? Is society 'getting what it deserves' when that happens? I take no responsibility for that. I have been largely excised from society. So no... I'm not responsible for that. Matt IS responsible for that. According to Jordan Peterson. Both can go fuck themselves. Enjoy your 'holy war' and your dead kids."
by Hym Iam September 9, 2023
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Letting them know you are about to slap the shit out of them so they can take back what they just said
Jack: “I think Games of Thrones Season 8 was actually decent.”
Bill: “Wait what do you mean?”
by gptx July 19, 2023
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Never ask Maxien what she wants for dinner. The answer will always be “i dunno
Never ask a woman what she wants for dinner. The answer will always be “i dunno”
by tajcoanfaodna November 23, 2021
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