Parking your vehicle so as to make a hasty escape; Parking right in front of a store's entrance to enable one an "In and out" experience and not waste alot of time walking to and from the store to your vehicle.
Dude's in the bank robber position. Yeah, he must be in a hurry.
by Ed Monkey November 12, 2007
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When you steal a bucket of gravey from KFC, then proceed to dip your bare ass in it. After this is accomplished, you then sit on a chick's face and rip a raunchy fart causing gravey bubbles.
Sam is a world famous Kentucky Gravey Robber, and is wanted in 30 states for his hanous crime.
by J Fucking Z October 28, 2006
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theeving (pronounced this way, not a typo) gypsy robbers are parasitic underbellies of society who do not contribute and feel they can take whatever they want. They wrench car doors open at night, steal your cd player but leave cds on the seat as they are too feral to enjoy your music, demonstrating they are both law-breaking and ungrateful.
"Those theeving gypsy robbers stole my cd player out of my car last night"
by Charl & Ewan June 21, 2006
When a guy is fucking a pregnant woman and penetrates the baby as she is giving birth
Hurry up and give birth to this baby, i want to be the cradle robber
by Jake Luc September 9, 2007
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An individual who seduces you, (generally female) and begins having intercourse with you only to make you release your semen, which they promptly steal to either sell or donate it.
Last night, when I was coming home from the bar, I swear this lady was a sperm bank robber, luckily, I didn't fall for it...
by The silent bun7 September 25, 2018
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A politician who has voted for war and has also voted to cut/privatize Social Security. Taking it further, a draft dodger/baby bomber/granny robber is somebody who has done the above and has also dodged the draft.
"Man my congressman sucks, he's one of those right-wing baby bomber/granny robbers." "Oh that's nothing, my congressman is Steve King, so he's a baby bomber/draft dodger/granny robber/seal clobber!"
by capitalismisthecrisis October 21, 2013
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A sex act when you wait till the bitch's water breaks, then you fuck her in the ass so hard she doesnt realize she's giving birth and you reach around and steal her baby
Cathy: Where's my baby? and where's jesse?

Mike: He must have givin you the San Franciscan cradle robber!!!
by SexualDeviant June 5, 2009
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