Fast and hard music that is generally not too musical but new-wave punk is more catchy and tunefull such as blink 182 green day NOFX the distillers rancid etc... old punk is more about not caring and anarchy or being yourself like the ramones the sex pistols the clash the saints iggy and the stooges etc...
Oh and punks hate hippies!
Blink 182: I hate the jocks the hippie f**kin scumbags, heavy mettallers with their little pussy hair bands.
sex pistols:I am an anarchist I don't know what I want but I know how to get it
by Jack Delonge February 27, 2004
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Punk rock is gay music that people whom wear all black and wear their hair like fags listen too. Avoid these people and if you are one of these people... YOU SUCK
punk rock suckssssssssss it sucks
by biatchh November 13, 2005
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music that makes you want to kill yourself! Music that sucks in every way possible!! If u listen to this music u are probliby goth and support the devil.

bands like "green day" reality check they suck and are old!! get a new life if u listen to this crap because its far from music!!
I like punk rock, whats your favorite band, green day "i want to be an american idiot" guess what u are a american idiot!!
by Cody Podlewski July 24, 2006
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the worst incarnation of rock (if you want to call it that) ever to be created, started by poser fags like blink 182 and avril lavign, not to mention Mtv. it is really just pop lyrics with "emo" music. the intrumentals are horrible, the singers sound like 8 year olds and in their videos they jump around like mad and seem to be having seizures. the bands have no talent and bost of hardcore attitudes when they are just whiney little boys screaming into a mic.

ass batter
"ooh im so cool i listen t good charolate and simple plan! i have blue spiked hair and war a necktie with a T-shirt! im so HARDCORE!"
"shut the fuck up before i kick you in the nads loser. you want hardcore? KoRn, Disturbed, Marilyn Manson. now get out of my face poser peice of shit."
by jim May 7, 2005
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Tried to kill the metal, but they failed as they were smacked to the ground.
by 50_707411y_1337 April 13, 2008
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does not exist. anymore.why?
becasue bands like the casualities and cheap sex....spit on it, then stepped in it, rolled it in the mud, and crushed it with their enormous cocks.
good bands that i respect.....crass...yeah. thats about it. and thats only because they agree with my philosophy. PUNK IS DEAD.
punx unite.i fucking hate that song.and that other chick was right.they butchered sham 69 by recreating their new version of if the kids are sex sings the song fuck emo.when they generalize that emo is about emotional faggots.but in reality true punks did not "judge before listening"emo was actually a sub-diveritive of punk rock.
fuck you cheap sex fag listening bitches.
by I USED TO BE LIKE YOU!!!! December 22, 2007
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A very gay type of music only homosexuals and emo's listen to,, bands include A.F.I. All amrican rejects , Blink 182, good charlotte,,,ect ect ,,, real rock is AC/DC Mettallica
Guns n Roses and stuff like that but punk is the gay version of rock
my brother was listening to gay punk rock band A.F.I. so i smacked him at set him straight
by Andr3w 21 August 5, 2006
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