Homo (prefix; meaning same)

Phobia, phobe (suffix; meaning fear)

Homophobia, homophobic, homophobe (fear of same)

Homophobia is the discrimination towards WLW and MLM. It isn't a fear of gays and lesbians, it's a fear of equal rights.
Uncle: All gays are going to hell!

Me: Just FYI, it's going *straight* to hell. Stop with the homophobia, you biggot asshole!
by Lucas-Kai Zaw January 26, 2020
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Homophobia means a great disliking for homosexuals. Homo in greek means same and Phobia means fear (and often means having a great disliking) So people use homophobia to describe someone who strongly dislike gays
Person 1: Sorry but I dont talk to fags. All gays so burn in hell :/

Person 2: ...Homophobic much?

Idiot: Uh. Homophobia means scared of things that are the same.

Person 2: No it doesn't you dumbass
by wowthatsstraight March 12, 2019
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1) Being supportive of the LGBTQ+ people you know, while being discriminatory towards the LGBTQ+ community as a whole.
2) Thinking the LGBTQ+ people you know are some how outliers of the LGBTQ+ community.
3) When LGBTQ+ people you know don't fit your prejudice stereotypes. Thus causing cognitive dissonance that is cured by believing the person you know is somehow different from other LGBTQ+ people.
Coworker: You're not like the others. You're one of the good ones!
Me: You are using selective homophobia to justify your overall homophobic ideals inorder to attempt to be friends with me.

Karen: My daughter is queer, I love and support her!
Marsha: Didn't you vote for Trump?
Karen: Of course! MAGA!
Marsha: That's pretty selectively homophobic, don't you think?
by not on my watch July 1, 2020
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Hypocritical homophobia:The occasion of a homophobe turning gay or has been gay all along (knowingly or unknowingly)
My friend was always drawn away from gays and was very rude against them. Then he married my brother. He is has hypocritical homophobia
by Sumner Sawyer August 10, 2019
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This is the kind of homophobia that is done typically in an attempt to hide the fact that you are yourself grotesquely gay. You see yourself out and about, making constant humor, jokes, pokes, and jabs at others for actually being gay, yet you yourself know that nothing would be more hot than bending over and getting it in the bunghole from a very big Gay Bear man, only to have him smurf you.

This of course is not to be confused with Weaverian Homophobia , where the same kind of humor is used, but you arent actually trying to find the fact that you yourself are gay, and everyone around you knows it.
"You know making a photo of someone and taggin their head onto it in some really ghey way is just hardcore Dittmerian Homophobia at work man, come outta the close dude."
by ThoughtlessClaymore March 28, 2007
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When a cis man goes to any lengths to bring up and/or defend Elon Musk, other billionaires, Joe Rogan, transphobes/homophobes, crypto-bros or any other weird incel.
Man, Ted really has some internalized homophobia to work out. He's so obsessed with Alex Jones and Donald Trump.
by Barbea November 19, 2022
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Someone who is extremely afraid of the gays.
Guy: Yo! A gay guy!
Guy: oh, you have Homophobia? Pussy lol
by dabigmothafucka July 15, 2023
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