Genetic suicide is when animals, plants, or humans, make a conscious decision to cease procreation in order to reduce suffering to their community, their children, and the world around them.

Many animals (and humans) make the decision to take on genetic suicide, and this is because humanity has caused so much destruction and suffering, that they would rather bow their heads gracefully and depart while they have any sense of happiness.

The animals know that there is no use in reproducing when the odds are against them. They will not bring suffering unto their own species any longer than they feel they need to endure.

These animals do not trust human society to care for and guard their young into the future.

So in short, the animals would rather die and become extinct, rather than live with humanity.
"Tasmanian tigers must have surely taken on genetic suicide with the expansion of the human empire"

"Koalas are on the verge of genetic suicide so that their young don't suffer anymore."
by MrH20 September 26, 2022
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A very fucking horrible bitch that makes you feel self conscious without getting the chance to do something about it
-I hate my body
-Don't complain about it, go to the gym instead
-I'm already skinny and going to the gym won't change that I look like I man because of my narrow hips and wide ribs u idiot, that's genetics
by Mellym August 3, 2022
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When someone takes "go fuck your mother" as literal. Do a bing of this and you might think twice about your 'grosser than gross' jokes as I heard them in 6th grade, An Eye In Shadows implied the grosser than gross cracks to a darker degree as I had implied genetic attraction as an insult. See the thing about "German Siblings Having Four Kids" talk about V. C. Andrews output as creative nonfiction. Dailymail did a piece about a mother doing the nasty with her own son on tape; don't say I warned you if you look this up as I did a pinterest of the article with the hashtag #EEWWWW. In 2003 The Guardian did a piece on the bizarre phenomenon.
Reagan M. of therichest dot com did a list on this weird genetic attraction shit; talk about Flowers in the Attic being creative nonfiction there. V. C. Andrews would be rolling in her grave as these jokers where taking the rule34 implications between brother and sister literally, as I had implied insults at detractors, "you have better luck getting your own mother pregnant." This is under the hashtag on twitter known as puke worthy.
by illinoishorrorman May 5, 2018
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Postmans genetic slop
I was sat at the 9 Brachdy Road Cardiff CF3 3BG pub when the postman came in and I offered my arsehole up for his Postmans genetic slop
by Merty_bernister_9brachdyroad January 25, 2020
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the next advancement of the information age. The Genetic age is when biology and chemistry advances beyond science it involves cloning and new treatment by genetics. This age started in 2003
Genetic Age, cloning, Nanotechnology, protein manipulation, stem cells etc
by Brian Medland December 30, 2009
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