When you cum into a yarmulke (kippah) and force it onto someone's face
Shlomo: I just had a horny hanukkah

David: how come?
Shlomo: I gave Hila an Israeli Gas Mask
by handy hickster April 13, 2021
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The Art Of Gas Masking Is Farting In A Hat And Quickly Pulling It Over Someone's Face To Create A "mask" Full Of Raw Natural Ass Gas.
(Work's Best When Victim Is Dazing Off)
"Logan Was Falling Asleep Last Night , So I Had To start Gas Masking Him To Wake Him Up."

"It's A New Form Of The dutch oven"
by superpoopertrooper July 13, 2013
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The act of performing analingus on someone carrying the COVID-19 Corona virus.
Guy 1: "Hey, I heard Jim got really sick."

Guy 2: "Yeah, I heard he caught the corona virus."

Guy 1: "He probably got it from doing the corona gas mask."

Guy 2: "disgusting bastard.."
by Yehdudethatscoolbye March 5, 2020
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A sexual act in which one person squats over the face of thier partner and seals thier sphincter to thier partners nose or mouth. Once airlocked, the squatter farts and the receiver breathes deep through the offended orifice ensuring a full dose of methane is delivered.
"Dude did you hear Francis got a Dominican gas mask from Cindy?"

"No fuckin way, vile."
by HolyRiot99 May 28, 2023
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CHRISTOPHER takes advantage of a gift and steals AMAZON ACCOUNTS.
In LIFE you get these formations that attest for SEXUAL OWNERSHIP of that pleasant feeling when you do the read of THAT STANFORD AUTHOR on a SEARCH CLASS of his making as you would say the STRANGE LOOP JEREMY from EUGENE, OREGON and LAWERENCE, KANSAS of your theft of the AMAZON PRIME GIFT CARDS at THE CRAIGSLIST SCAM PLACE has come back to haunt AMAZON BOOKS as they are closing all their book stores and I am tickled pink as a former OREGON DUCK as PROFESSOR DOUGLAS HOFSTADTER at exactly 1979 777 page long book is an of I AM A PIECE OF SHIT as the JOKE IS NOT YOUR FAULT but the cries in at exactly automaticlevelrecognition@gmail.com as TWAIN.TIESTO is all in SMILES wearing his OREGON GAS MASK as the fallout from RESORTS WORLD COST OVERRUNS is a nightmare getting worse at GENITALS GENTING.
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The female version of tea bagging. A woman lowers her vagina over the nose and mouth.
Tristan: I fell asleep on the couch and when I woke up Blaire was giving me a Gas mask
by Harbourama December 21, 2014
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The female version of tea bagging. A woman lowers her vagina over the nose and mouth.
Tristan: I fell asleep on the couch and when I woke up Blaire was giving me a Gas mask
by Harbourama December 21, 2014
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