Earthquaking a man to death is extremely rude and everyone else will leave the game.
by WeePiggies_oink January 27, 2021
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The phenomenon of violent vibration and shaking inside of one's house due to the unstable load or poor feet adjustment of a washing machine or dryer.
Dude the windows in the house rattled so bad the glass fell out of the frames! It was a North Carolina Earthquake it was a 8.3 on the sphincter scale!!!
by Buzzard lips February 21, 2021
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When one is partaking in a mosh pit type scenario all to themselves after taking a hit of drugs they couldn't handle.
by Styls January 8, 2023
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When a female has titties so ENORMOUS that when she walks and her titties bounce they cause an earth quake.
Did you see her HUGE TITS! I call them Earthquake Titties cause everytime she walks her titties makes the world shake.
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Verb: To perform oral sex on your partner's genitals by blowing a raspberry
By blowimg out air and skaing her head back and forth, my girlfriend gave me a hot-wind-earthquake.
by Quaz the silly January 31, 2022
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Another way or the meteorological way of saying the Earth's headaches...
Wow did you hear about that earthquake in Mexico....
Yea..but it wasn't just an was the Earth's headaches...
by SnellyBob JoeSpends September 23, 2017
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