Expression used to describe something that one would normally describe as insane, crazy, ridiculous. Usually used to describe an act that requires the one "getting boosh" to exert alot of physical energy or display an aura of being extremely energetic. To get wild, to get crazy, to go nuts, to go HAM.

"Yo bro, lets get boosh tonight!"
"Sounds good, theres this Rave in the city we should check out."
"Sweet. Let's catch the 8:40 train to Penn Station."
(The two bros proceed to give eachother a bro handshake)
Youtube/get boosh lifestyle.

- John just benched 405lbs with chains attached! John's getting boosh.
- Lisa is going nuts at a dubstep concert dressed in an all neon outfit and glow bracelets. Lisa is getting boosh.
- Brad just did a double shooting star off the boardwalk into the bay. Brad just got boosh.
by ApolloBarnes92 June 20, 2013
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British comedy written by and starring comedians Julian Barratt and Noel Fielding. Developed from three stage shows and a six episode radio series, it has since spawned a total of twenty television episodes for BBC Three and two live tours of the UK.

Along with various other characters that are either played by Julian Barratt and Noel Fielding... or Noel Fielding's family members. A lot of surprises and other great comedians.

The show that will make you laugh till your not stoned anymore... best show on BBC tv. I LOVE VINCE AND HOWARD. Watch it... then you shall know. I laughed till i fell over in pain (seriously).
I quote this show so many times everyday i have lost track.

Howard- ahhhhh!
by MarjorieKEEK August 20, 2009
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The name of the forty-third President of the United States rendered in stereotypically Hispanic-accented English; used by those who object to George W. Bush's stance on immigration, which they consider to be of more benefit to foreign nations (specifically Mexico) than the United States.
"Looks like there's going to be another amnesty for illegals. Jorge Boosh, Presidente de México, strikes again."
by George Galloway May 26, 2005
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A word used to express extreme, amazing awesomeness/wickedness. Taken from the show "Frisky Dingo" on Adult Swim.
Me:Dude! I just beat Banjo-Tooie with every Jiggy, Jinjo, Note, The Ice Key, The Mega-Globo, and everything else!

My friend:Nice dude!

Me:Dude you know what this calls for?

Friend:No, what?

by Dusk Killaz May 3, 2009
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An awesome and unique (my and many other people's opinions) comedy series on BBC 3 (or in The U.S., Adult Swim). List of a few characters and their actors:
Julain Barrat: Howard Moon
Noel Fielding: Vince Noir
Michael Fielding: Naboo the Enigma
Dave Brown: Bollo
Rich Fulcher: Bob Fossil
Though this entire defintion many will think is poorly written, well sorry.
Alternative to what the lady or gentleman at the end of the wrote:
Person 1: Hey Bobby, did you watch the Mighty Boosh last night?
Person 2: It's a complete piece of unfunny shit, prove me wrong.
Person 1: Then prove that everyone who likes it is wrong and your opinion is the only one which truly matters.
by it'sAsh August 23, 2009
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What Beahm say when he pwns a lamer in CS or ArmyOps.
Kid: OMG you pwned me!
Beahm: Boosh Naw
by TehZeeZee November 11, 2003
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