When a girl's vagina is tight, nice and pink.
"he said "oh girl that thing swole".
by ThatOneSexyAssNiggaWut? October 21, 2013
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The art of being strong in the mind.
Being Smart
Damn, you got an A on the math test? You're mentally swole
by ChildishLou January 27, 2017
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An erection caused by doing something you love to do.
I was working out the other day and discoverd I had a swole mongoose in my shorts.
by Jock-o-matic January 8, 2010
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Having pockets full of money, i.e. swolen
"Pockets on swole lookin like they got the mumps" - Yung Joc

"I pull up in tha lambo
Pockets stay on swole" - Bow Wow
by August 21, 2006
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crespi kid: bro we just got raped
ND kid: yeah, thats the swole patrol for you
by bigdaddy777 June 12, 2010
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When you eat a something like a protein bar but it gives you a mad case of the runs, mud butt, fire-rhea and turns you all sweaty and feverishly anguished like Ebola but you do it for the gains to get buff, ripped, shredded, swole.
Joe: "Hey, bruh do you mind if I take a bite of that protein bar?"

Dan: "At your own risk, mane. Is E-swole-a worth it?"

Joe looks around nervously and questions his integrity and discipline

Joe: "Fuck yeah, it's leg day. Now I'm ready to get swole"
by Rastafarian Buttsex Pants October 24, 2014
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to get pregnant
old girl done got swole up

John Wion swole up that ugly ass girl
by less August 29, 2003
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