When one penetrates their woman from behind (doggy style), one slips a cheeky finger into the anus. This results in involuntary bliss. One might call this a veterinary prostate exam.
by Animal Doctor: Who? September 19, 2020
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When yo girl surprises u with a surprise prostate exam listening to Owl City.
by Dabdabdabdabdab August 28, 2017
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While receiving fellatio your girl will take her 4 fingers from each hand and gently insert into your copper penny and probe the prostate which inturn will make you cum like a baby gorilla.
Always incorporate the balls ladies
Hey Boner Garage why don't you slide on over here to big papa and crazy 8 the prostate!

Oh Creeger you so crazy I wanna shit out your baby!
by Creeger33 February 3, 2023
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used in response to a amazing event based off the saying "holy shit batman" to indicate ones excitement for a particular action the other person has either shown them or surprised them with unexpectantly.
Barry: have a look at this amazing ingenuity of man kind its pristine beauty is amplified by the brilliant textures that just perplex any and all who see this.
Lucy: holy prostate cancer Superman!
Barry: yes.
by weedhead11111111111111111 March 14, 2018
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A phrase meaning the worst that possibly could happen. Based off of obvious pain the fictional character's knifed glove would create tearing up a prostate.
dude 1: My girlfriend is pregnant.

dude 2: That's a Freddy Krueger Prostate Massage for ya.

dude 3: Fucking A right, it is!
by Minced Prostate September 23, 2011
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