The shortest person that you could ever know.
Have you seen kaitlin? She is really short
by Not London October 27, 2021
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Kaitlins are leaders. They are born to be a star. Most kaitlins are beuatiful and very intelligent. They are hardworking and try there best with everything they do. They give everything 100% effort. She is normally kind and caring, but don't get on her bad side. Kaitlins are never afraid to through a punch to protect someone close to them. They always have a story to tell, which are guaranteed to be very interesting. Kaitlins are very mature and learn how to do things most adults can't do at a very young age. They are not afraid of talking to guys, but can get a little shy sometimes. Kaitlins are the bestest friends as they will always have your back and will help you through all of the rough times. If you have a Kaitlin in your life, you are a very lucky person.
Kaitlin is so amazing
by Katie Snoodle January 25, 2019
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The Shortest person that anyone could know.
Person 1: have you seen Kaitlin?

Person 2: no I haven't because she is so short.
by Not-London November 3, 2021
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A slim girl who's not very nice to anyone but despite looking like an animated skeleton her appetite knows no bounds she'll eat 120 pizza rolls as a "small snack" when feeling a bit peckish, so remember to hide your food around her. To make up for her huge appetite she tends to have a ton of cash at all times speculated to make even more money than the president. Though it's unlikely she's willing to share.
Damn Kaitlin's the reason we're all gonna starve

Maybe not tell her to get you some chips with all that money she's got

Nah she'd never actually pay for me
by Hush Abye November 23, 2021
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A slim girl who's not very nice to others. Her appetite knows no bounds she'll eat 120 pizza rolls as a"small snack" when feeling a bit peckish. To make up for her huge appetite she tends to have an abundance of cash on her at all times. It's speculated the she makes more money than the president himself. Though it's highly unlikely that she'll ever share any of it.
Kaitlin is the reason I ain't got no food

I'm sure she'll share if you ask

Nah bro you obviously never met a Kaitlin
by Hush Abye November 23, 2021
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Kaitlin is a very sex hungry person who is to scared to share there desires with there partner. Kaitlins are usually anxious about intimacy
Kaitlins so anxious today
by Panda178 March 12, 2022
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she is the best friend you will ever had and always knows how to cheer someone up. she is the funniest person you will ever meet and kaitlin selgrade does not hesitate to make a funny joke in a serious situation. if you are lucky enough, you will have a kaitlin in your life.
kaitlin if your seeing this ily
by sillyhofdy$-77 June 16, 2023
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