Clash Of Clans Moment ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Guy 1: Guess what i bought for 2 pounds
Guy 2: 300 Black men for 2 pounds!
by May 16, 2023
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A phrase used to let others know they've traded sides, i.e. committed treason. This word developed from the blockbuster motion picture 300.

The acts of treason committed by the hunchback traitor Ephialtes stem from his rejection to join the Spartan Military. His morbid anger leads him to join sides with the Persians, thus trading sides in 300.

This phrase is highly adaptable in modern day sense. Whenever someone you see commits an act of treason, betrayal, or pure stupidity, respond hastily with "I knew you'd trade in 300."
Let's say you call Shotgun and Pit steals it from you anyway. You're too borderline blackout drunk to even want to argue with Pit. So, instead of arguing with him, you simply say..."I knew you'd trade in 300."
by Lyle Kasher January 6, 2010
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gawk gawk gremlin super nigga balls in my mouth up and double combo 300 nut twister bumfucker up and down maybe even pound triple combo 11000 with a little drip drip from the balls at the end when ever you go to 6 eleven 4002xl3000 is the best thing you will ever have some people have it upside down or perpendicular it is promissed yo dick will get bigger by -6.9 inches
i just had some gawk gawk gremlin super nigga balls in my mouth up and double combo 300 nut twister bumfucker up and down maybe even pound triple combo 11000 with a little drip drip from the balls at the end when ever you go to 6 eleven 4002xl3000 up side down on a stair case.
Get the gawk gawk gremlin super nigga balls in my mouth up and double combo 300 nut twister bumfucker up and down maybe even pound triple combo 11000 with a little drip drip from the balls at the end when ever you go to 6 eleven 4002xl3000 mug.
Use this percentage to show how much you love someone. It is the greatest number of love appreciation you can possibly due.
by loverboy300 January 3, 2021
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Beating someone up so badly that they go 300 weeks ahead of time
by Ultradeath August 8, 2018
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