Watching way too much of a show that you turn other people off to a show
Maria over binge watched a show made Kiara not like the show anymore
by Iwantabigfatpie June 14, 2015
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Someone who looks similar to a privileged toe head ass fool.
That boy used a 100$ bill at the Dollar General, Bing Bong Lookin’ Ass.
by PolonColon November 24, 2018
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When someone finally gets around to starting game of thrones and gets so addicted that they watch the whole thing to date in a couple weeks
Marty: "where's tony?"

Andy: "he's in his room on HBO. He's been binge throning for a week now"
by Pup powder June 21, 2015
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1. (TWIN binj) tr. verb. to alternate binge-watching or binge-listening to a pair of related shows, such as a reality competition series and a podcast that covers that series.

2. (TWIN binj) noun. an instance of twin bingeing.
1. I'm gonna twin binge season 9 of "The Amazing Race Canada" and the companion podcast hosted by Jessica and Dan.
2. Season 9 of The Amazing Race Canada and the companion podcast hosted by Jessica and Dan sure has been a great twin binge.

Also "dual binge," "parallel binge," "Siamese binge."
by Mama's Pinky Toe August 31, 2023
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Manser Luther Bing, is an immortal human being born in 1900.
He fought in WW1, WW2 and he predicted WW3.
He survived COVID-19 due to is immortality powers.
One night he had a dream.
I’d like to be like Manser Luther Bing one day.
by Esleslee April 19, 2020
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Tian Bing is a very loyal person. She would help others in need. She is also the most perfect person to be with. She has a great sense of humour and can easily make people laugh. One thing that Tian Bing hates is toxic people or fake friends.
You are extremely lucky if you are one of Tian Bing’s close friends! <3
by craZy.poTato2323 February 15, 2021
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