the beauty of this insult is that it is a double entendre and it can be taken in two different ways. you could either tell your friends that they have "yo momma disease" or you could say that their mom is a disease.
Jack: dawg can i get some help over here
Aidan: yo momma disease (your mom a disease)
Jack: My mom's a disease
Aidan: no, yo momma disease.
Jack: :(
by yomommadisease April 30, 2020
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“yo mommas pizza” is a phrase coined by shroominnboomin and is used to confuse who ever it is being used in conversation with. this works since it isn’t clear if it is a sexual innuendo or not this thus leaving the other wondering what you meant and if they should get mad or not.
friend 1: yo what you doing bro?
friend 2: yo mommas pizza.
friend 1: huh?
by milkdrinker24 April 2, 2022
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it's when an autistic person tries to roast you and it fails miserably and after this happens a slap is very much needed
autistic person: "yo momma is have big gay"
me: *slaps him*
by davidsdefinitions April 20, 2020
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a muscular manly, tomboyish girl who loves/or is in multiple sports. has many boy friends more than girls and has lebian tendencies.
Yo! You see that girl in sweats right thur? She a yo momma!
by miwizizpimp October 13, 2007
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It is a way to tell someone to not worry about where you are going or what you are doing.
Person 1-- "Where you headed to?"
Person 2--"Yo momma's house
by hehe_888 October 5, 2023
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a term used in middle school to make fun each other by saying how fat, ugly, ect. your mom is
yo momma so fat when she wore a rain coat I thought she was the sun.

Yo momma's so dumb, when y'all were driving to Disneyland, she saw a sign that said "Disneyland left," so she went home.

Yo momma is so stupid she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept.

Yo momma so stupid she stuck a battery up her ass and said, "I GOT THE POWER!"
by Ovadia January 21, 2019
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“Hey brad! What did you do last night? You weren’t at the party.”

“Yo momma”
by FegtheHedgehog May 13, 2020
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