A euphemistic term for a gang-affiliated or "outlaw" biker, often used when subtlety requires not identifying the organization by name.
I usually avoid that bar - it tends to be frequented by organized motorcycle enthusiasts. Don't want to get my ass kicked, after all.
by ihavespoe May 10, 2012
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A wave done by the old & irrelevent, as well as the young and useless while riding a motorcycle to acknowledge that they have a respect for one another. The wave gives them a sense of belief that they share the same values about life because they ride bikes. The people who participate in this wave usually enjoy 70's classic rock, while rap and hip-hop is their kryptonite.
Albert, who can't get any women, or hold a job has a sense of importance when he rides his bike to the bar becuase he got three Tidlywinks Motorcycle Waves from other bike riders.
by booyatribe May 22, 2009
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Another classic douche bag move to inflict pain upon your innocent friend. You sneak up behind your friend who is sitting peacefully in his chair. Grab both of his shoulders from behind like you would grip the handlebars on a motorcycle. Then, you make the motion of "revving" your bike, while digging your thumbs into that pressure point right at the base of his neck and make a loud "Vroom Vroom" noise. This move will hurt so bad that the sounds of pain coming out of his mouth will sound like he is speaking Russian.
I was minding my own business when that dummy came up and gave me a Russian Motorcycle Ride. My neck has been hurting for hours.
by Bushrod Johnson August 31, 2009
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1. A band that sounds kinda like old british rock with faded vocals and not at all like nu-metal. Very very talented. One released song of theirs is "Stop".
1. I'm sure mad I missed Black Rebel Motorcycle Club when they performed around my area!
by andreacky772 January 18, 2005
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Marlon Brando's biker gang in the film, "The Wild One"
1: What's that stand for, BRMC?
2. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club!
by The Lazer Viking February 5, 2008
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Black Rebel Motorcycle Club is an awesome GARAGE(keep that in mind) band from San Francisco much like The Strokes , Yeah Yeah Yeahs.They actually mix elements from both english and american garage bringing out something completely different
I really regret for not going to the black rebel motorcycle club performance last year...
by ariel_nina June 8, 2005
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the front bottoms motorcycle club (tfbmc) is the name of the band "the front bottoms"'fandom
"dude are you in the front bottoms motorcycle club ? you should listen to tfb."
by deathforbreakfast August 18, 2017
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