When guys get together to smoke crack and have gay intercourse while a wholesome father supplies freshly grilled burgers
guy 1: just got some crack rocks
guy 2: hell yeah. stick your cock in my gaping asshole

guy 1: fuck yes let's frap and trap
guy 2: what the fuck your asshole has worms

guy 8: thabks
by starwarsborra July 25, 2018
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A group of young men, generally between the ages of 18 and 24, who frequent Starbucks and get particularly rowdy after a couple Frappuccinos.
Frap boy #1: Fuck yeah, guys watch this! *chugs frappuccino and proceeds to smash cup on head* WOO!

Old man: Those rowdy Frap boys are at it again!
by Anonymous-dude-or-dudette- January 23, 2013
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Yet another one of the many euphemisms for "anal sex," particularly anal sex that involves a man ejaculating his prostate pudding down his partner's Hershey Highway after fucking her/him real good. The origin of this term is the implication that the resulting shit/semen mixture would closely resemble the frappuccino drink sold at Starbucks coffee.
When Jason, a former student and basketball player at St. John's University got arrested and sent upstate for soliciting prostitution, his life was made a living hell as he struggled and every day against a ginormous 400-pound black cell mate, who kept trying (successfully) to frap his ccino all night long 24/7.

Mark H. Frapping UrbanDictionary's ccino with my slang vocabulary since February 2k4.
by Mark H April 2, 2005
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When you have too much Starbucks and you feel afterwards
ex. That pumpkin spice frappucino made me feel frap fat
by kt438 October 9, 2014
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torn, broken, or just generally screwed up.
My car won't run, it just blows smoke out of the tailpipe. It must be frapped up again.
by Aunty Peaches May 17, 2010
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short for caramel frappachino. just say tall/grande/ whatever that other size is caaramel frap and the people at starbucks automatically know what you are talking about.. usually starbucks regulars use suck terminology..
common order by a starbucks regular: yeah I'd like a Grande Caramel Frap extra w/ Whipped Cream please, name's __insert name here.__

by some cool kid July 25, 2006
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