The act of trying to get more random patches on your uniform than everyone else.
Tom: Did you see how many patches Luke has on his uniform?

Will: He's totally Boy Scouting
by TheFlyingScotsman June 27, 2022
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When a woman looks at another woman the way men look at women lustfully.
That girl over there is boy scouting you so hard right now Becky.
by Garina Mooch October 3, 2022
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The only place that exploits young men for the sole purpose of procreating hyper masculinity
Guy: Were you in Boy Scouts?
Dude: yeah that org is straight testosterone
by LuciStrr August 5, 2018
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Commissioner of our fantasy league brags on his scout commendations. He fell apart in the playoffs after talking shit all season.
He really boy scouted that chance at glory.
by Boise Cheese March 29, 2021
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Someone who plays by the book, regardless of the situation, especially to stand out in contrast to others who would prefer to do something differently. Sometimes he helps his friends stay out of trouble, and sometimes he’s just a buzzkill who whines a lot.

It’s almost always a derogatory term, and has nothing to do with the actual Boyscouts of America (though the image conveyed is that of a goody goody little Boy Scout using a diagram to tie knots and helping old ladies cross the street).
Charles: “We can’t park there! The sign says 5 minute parking limit.”
Dylan: “It’s fine, we’re just gonna buy some beer and be right back out.”
Charles: “No. It’ll take at least 10 minutes! We need to find another spot.”
Dylan: “What a Boy Scout...”
by Jay lowres September 13, 2018
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Boy scouts like all things were good till the liberals took over. Since they started letting gays and niggers in its been going down hill. Now a diversity merit badge like wtf. All the boy scouts that join are gay and trans pink haired little 10 year olds that just have big orgies. It used to be a good program that taught kids outdoor skills and morals of being an American but now is gone and is just a way for girl scouts to get eagle
Normal guy: Hey did you hear about that new Boy Scouts came up with a BLM badge?
old Boy scout: Yeah i think ima quit because this is just turning into a liberal brainwashing camp
New scout: OMG you hurt my feelings im gonna tell the gay scout leader and he is going to make you have inclusion training and then im going to go cry to my mommy and change my tampon
Old boy scout: get the fuck out you trashy shit burg nigger dick munching coon fucking gay ass feminist lookin ass.
by captaincoonkiller88 February 11, 2021
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