Yesn't means "not true", by expressing; "Yes, that isn't true". Or, "yes, that is not true." It means 'no', by way of "yes". Or, yes, it's not. And, "Yes, the answer is no".
"I dont believe that is true Howard, do you"? "Yesn't."
by yan't June 12, 2018
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the god of all words. it is the most confusing word of all time and can make your english teacher pause before telling you they don't understand.
teacher: "did you do your homework"
me: "yesn't"
teacher: ""
by boneappletea223 September 18, 2019
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Yesn't is a short form for "yes not".
It can be used when you want to confuse someone, or if you want to say you want both, when they ask you to choose something.
Person 1: Hey, ya want the orange or the apple?
Person 2: Yesn't
Person 1: ? (*visible confusion*)
by termaq August 29, 2020
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Didn't you and John go out.
Well yesn't.
by Spiderguy14 October 23, 2018
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Friend: Yo, you wanna hang out?

Me: yesn't

Friend: well fuck you then.
by VolTixDoesTingZ June 19, 2018
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it means no, but yesn't is much FUCKING BETTER
Mom: Are you going to that party today?
Me: Yesn't my friend don't want to.
by Mickieotheros May 30, 2018
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It is when one does not want to sound rude by saying rude, so instead they say "Yesn't "
Man: can you help me do my work?

Woman : Yesn't
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