Someone who uses the android operating system, usually a chill tech sleuth.
by Spectre0xD July 15, 2023
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An evolution from a phone or iPhone
My phone evolved into a droid phone!
Evolved into a Note 5 from an iPhone 5s!
by LemurLover6 March 2, 2016
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What a person with a android call them when everyone has iPhones.
by Garry1122 March 4, 2018
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Big beautiful stud, that never fails to make you cream.
“Why have i creamed myself?”
“Look! That big stud Droid is behind it! I love him so much!”
by Droid77744 August 26, 2022
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Another word for a bummy phone aka androids aka elandroidbeth’s phone LOL🤣
Hey u see liz over there?
She she gotta droid.
by User99981010 May 23, 2019
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The second sexiest man alive. His beard transcends space and time, rivaling even the best of beards. It’s said he only speaks truth, and is brutal. Never look at him, he will roast you top to bottom. A ruthless sexy man.
Goddammit... I saw droid and his beard again, he called me all kinda shit.
by Rino6357 March 18, 2021
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when someone sends you a facebook chat message because your droid shows you online but you dont notice it till hours later
when did i get this facebook chat message?, oh its from 4 hours ago man i hate this droid lag now there off line
by road rager runner April 9, 2011
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